Friday, January 1, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The Christmas season started early in Irvine with Ava's visit to Duck the Halls where she got to hang out with Wild Wing dressed up as Santa.
After Thanksgiving, we picked out our tree and Ava got to decorate it (at least the lower branches).
It wouldn't be the Christmas season without sweets, and Ava enjoyed decorating (and eating) cookies, and making gingerbread houses with her friends. 
Santa made his annual trip to Irvine, and Ava was lucky enough to see him in person along with her playgroup friends.
Ava made a trip to Torrance where she walked with Grammy and Poppy to see all the wonderful Christmas lights.
The first week of winter break was spent in Oakland visiting Grandma and Grandpa.
Taking a trip to the City, Grandma and Grandpa took Ava to see the San Francisco Ballet's performance of (what else?) The Nutcracker.
Christmas Eve was spent at church where cousin Henry was the star of the Christmas Pageant, and then visiting Auntie Hannah, Uncle Rob, and cousins Gil and Henry.
The evening was capped off by Grandpa's reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas."
Ava must've been pretty good in 2015 as Santa, and Ava's friends and family, gave her some wonderful gifts.
The Christmas celebrations continued back home with a celebration with Grammy and Poppy.
To cap off the holiday festivities, Ava had a sleepover at a friend's house for New Year's Eve before spending New Year's Day at the beach where she spotted her first dolphin of the year.
Here's to a 2016 filled with laughter, learning, and more adventures!

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