Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ava's Routine

Ava's daily or weekly routine isn't totally regiminented, but she does have a rough schedule that we try to follow. Ava is usually gets up around 6:30am. After Abby feeds her, Ava usually spends time playing in our bedroom/bathroom area while Abby and I take turns getting ready for the day.

Ava is well past just drinking milk, and now has several real meals a day. Ava much prefers finger foods to eating oatmeal or jarred food, and is a big fan of cheerios, avocado, and fruit.

Ava takes two naps a day and when she's not eating or napping she crawls around, pulls herself up on tables, chairs, and cabinets, and scoots around to explore her world. Some of her favorite indoor activities are trying to pull things out of Abby's diaper bag and reading books.

Ava's other weekday activities include going to Gymboree, daily trips to the park, and playdates with her friends like Jillian.

After a long day of crawling around it's time for a bath, which means playing around in the tub, and sometimes trying to escape. Ava gets one last feeding and then goes to bed around 7:00pm.

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