Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick Or Treat

For Ava, Halloween encompasses much, much more than just dressing up for one day. Instead, it is a monthlong celebration. You can never visit too many pumpkin patches or have too many activities.

Ava started by visiting Irvine Regional Park with a number of friends, riding the train, playing games, and winning a blue monkey.

Next up was the Irvine Great Park Pumpkin Harvest, where rode the carousel, picked another pumpkin, and got to plant turnips to take home and grow.
If that wasn't enough, Ava wen to Johnson Brothers Pumpkin Patch - not just once, but twice. Johnson Brothers has a wide assortment of activities including bounce houses, pony rides, the mechanical rides they used to have outside grocery stores, and of course more pumpkins.
At home we not only carved pumpkins, but painted pumpkins as well.
Good Shepherd Preschool celebrated crazy hair day, so Ava was a redhead for a day.
Ava's playgroup had a party at the Duck Club where everyone got to wear their costumes.
It was a great opportunity for Cinderella and Princess Aurora to meet each other.
Tonight was Halloween and Ava went with Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, and Poppy and walked around our neighborhood trick or treating. Ava said "Trick or Treat" at each house and thanked (with a little bit of prodding) each of our neighbors for the treats.